Invest in your future | Invest Blue
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we believe it’s possible
Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

Wealth Management

At Invest Blue we assist in the management of our client’s wealth to ensure that they maximise the opportunity to live their best possible life.  

Managing wealth

We all have an idea of what we want to achieve, but sometimes don’t have the time, understanding or the confidence to make it all happen. Working with aInvest Blue Financial Planner is the perfect partnership to ensure that you have the understanding, time and confidence to build your wealth and achieve your short, medium & long term dreams and goals. We focus on three key areas in developing your financial plan, built around your goals, objectives and vision of your best possible life.  

  1. Strategy: after taking time to understand and define your best possible life, we determine the right strategy for you to maximise your chance of achieving your goals.  
  2. Structure: We work with you to structure your affairs in the most effective way to meet your goals. This includes consideration of different tax environments to hold your wealth, loan structures, investment structures, estate planning structure and the like to ensure you have the best chance of achieving your goals.  
  3. Product: Where we identify that a product is required, we investigate the right products for you to maximise your chance of achieving your goals across all areas of your situation, including consideration of lending products, wealth protection products and investment products to meet your needs. 

 Our Wealth Management approach is focused on selecting the most appropriate investments for the enhancement and protection of your wealth, based on your personal needs. 

If you want to lose weight, you need an exercise plan, diet and ultimately a fitness coach. If you have an investment property you seek the services of a property manager. Likewise, if you have financial goals, then Wealth Management is a simple way of ensuring your investment needs are being looked after and monitored on a regular basis. 

We believe that putting in place a plan to live your best possible life is not a ‘set and forget’ action, but something that needs to be nurturedmonitored and regularly reviewed Wealth Management is like running a marathon, just because you have trained and completed a marathon once before does not mean you will be in shape to do it for the rest of your life. 

Our approach to investment

At Invest Blue we take very seriously the responsibility and trust given to us by our clients in helping them to manage their wealth. Our clients give us the responsibility of protecting and enhancing their wealth and as such, we take a risk-based approach to the way we manage money. We aim to maximise the probability of our clients meeting their goals, whilst ensuring we implement a strategy that is consistent with their tolerance towards risk.

We do this by focusing on the two components of performance: risk and to achieve maximum returns for the level of risk being undertaken.

Our Wealth Management Philosophy is driven to maximise the probability of you achieving your dreams and goals and living your best possible life and is underpinned by six core beliefs.

  1. Understanding your vision for your best possible life with a clear definition of your goals and tolerance to risk is the first step in building a robust Wealth Management strategy.
  2. Both components of performance, risk and return, are equally important considerations.
  3. Transparency is critical to managing risk and return in your portfolios, whilst ensuring you have all of the relevant information to make the right decisions at the right time.
  4. High-quality research provided by independent experts, regularly monitored and reviewed is more likely to lead to better results.
  5. Taking an active approach to portfolio construction, asset allocation and stock selection can add value in managing risk and return, where there is clear evidence that the benefit outweighs the cost.
  6. Once a WM strategy is implemented, it is not a set-and-forget proposition. To live your best possible life, your Wealth Management strategy will require ongoing monitoring and review, in partnership with you and your adviser.

How do we measure success?

Ultimately the success of your Wealth Management Strategy is best exhibited when it allows you to achieve your goals and dreams so that you can live your best possible life.

However, we believe it is also important to track and measure the risk and return outcomes of your investment portfolio against independent benchmarks to ensure it is achieving the risk and return objectives of your portfolios and make proactive adjustments as necessary. At Invest Blue we do this by assessing the returns generated by our portfolios, against the risk taken to earn those returns, and we benchmark ourselves against the returns generated for each unit of risk taken on, rather than just comparing on returns alone.

Additionally, when making comparisons, we focus on the medium (3 years) to long term (5-7 years) achievement of objectives, as we believe that investing is a long-term proposition. Whilst we monitor the short-term performance, we accept that there can be periods in the short term, where performance outcomes may vary between an active approach and a more set and forget strategy.

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