Belief 4: High quality research
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we believe it’s possible
Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

Belief 4: High quality research

We believe that high quality research provided by independent experts, that is regularly reviewed and monitored, is more likely to lead to better results.

We believe in utilising professional, external and specialist independent research firms to build and recommend investments for our clients, including managed funds, direct equities, property or any other investment class. We believe their expertise will provide better risk and return outcomes for our clients. We believe that if we are going to take a more active approach in developing a client’s Wealth Management strategy, then this should be based on independent, high quality research, that is constantly monitored and reviewed to ensure that prior to being entrusted to manage your money, we have the highest confidence that they can achieve the objectives sought, and that through regular monitoring, we ensure they either maintain (or exceed) their standards or are replaced with managers who can.

We periodically assess our independent research partners to ensure they are continuing to provide high quality, independent research. As such, our choice of research partner may change from time to time.

At present, our chosen research partner for the construction of our client portfolios is Russell Investments, a leading global investment firm dedicated to improving people’s financial security. Russell is trusted by independent investment authorities as one of the world’s leading asset managers. While past performance is not always a guarantee for future outcomes, they have a considerable track record of delivering above-average returns with below-average risk, in a cost-effective manner.

learn more about russell investments

Role of your adviser – high quality research

Unless you are willing to undertake extensive research to choose your investment manager, are happy to appoint a manager without research, or unless you have the expertise to research and build your portfolios yourself, we believe an Adviser should work on your behalf to find appropriate, independent experts to conduct research into the Investment Managers, who will be responsible for the management of your wealth.

Additionally, we believe it is critical that the quality of the research is reviewed periodically (at least annually), based on the desired Risk and Return outcomes, so that should your managers not be performing to expectation, or the research drops in quality, a new research provider can be found to take over.

What’s your philosophy?

You do not believe that high quality research regularly monitored and provided by experts generates better performance outcomes. You are not prepared to pay for high quality Research. You believe that high quality research provided by experts that is regularly monitored and reviewed leads to be better performance (risk or return) outcomes over the medium to long term. Obtaining this is more important to you than sourcing lower cost investment options without regular review and research.
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