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How to boost your super with a lump sum

If you’re lucky enough to have received a windfall, perhaps an inheritance or a retrenchment payout, your first decision will be what to do with it.

Assuming you have decided against a shopping splurge, finding the best place to invest a lump sum is all about the effect on your tax bill and how soon you will need access to the funds. For those interested in investing their lump sum for a longer term, superannuation is one approach because of its... view article
August 31st 2023

What to do with a windfall or lump sum payment

So you’ve come into some money, now what to do with it?

First of all, what’s a windfall? Essentially, it’s a large sum of money that is received unexpectedly, whether it be winning it, acquired or just suddenly due to chance events. For most of us, a financial windfall isn’t something that comes around very often. And while the extra cash is welcome, money matters can be... view article
May 18th 2022

The road ahead for shares

Trying to time investment markets is difficult if not impossible at the best of times, let alone now. The war in Ukraine, rising inflation and interest rates and an upcoming federal election have all added to market uncertainty and volatility.

At times like these investors may be tempted to retreat to the ‘’safety” of cash, but that can be costly. Not only is it difficult to time your exit, but you are also likely to miss out on any upswing that follows a dip. Take Australian shares. Despite COVID and the recent wall of worries... view article
May 11th 2022

The Importance of Personalising Portfolios

Ever wondered what the difference is between ‘active’ and ‘passive’ management of investment portfolios? For David Donato of Strategic Invest Blue, this is a commonly asked question. Here, David offers his insight into why taking a personalised approach is so important when it comes to helping clients with their investments.

In simple terms, ‘active management’ is when a fund manager is actively monitoring and making adjustments to their portfolio in order to try and outperform the market. This occurs when the market is either rising or falling. For example, if the market goes up by 2% then the fund manager would want to go... view article
April 21st 2022

Family trusts: A trusted investment vehicle

Family trusts are a popular and effective investment structure to manage and protect your family’s fortune, but you don’t have to be worth a fortune to benefit from having one.

Despite their appeal, they are not for everyone. Indeed, it is suggested that if your assets are less than $300,000, and that is not counting your super, then it may well not be worth your while. But for those with sufficient assets, a family trust can be an effective way to protect your family’s assets... view article
September 3rd 2021

Negative Vs Positive Geared Investment Properties

Gearing is the process of using borrowed money to make investments. The income from investments can either be positively geared or negatively geared, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When it comes to choosing any investment your timeline, goals, overall financial position, and risk tolerance should always be front of mind. Once you understand what your goals and motives are, considerations such as choosing a negative or positive geared property can then be considered.   If you would like to discuss your options and how... view article
November 27th 2020

A guide to choosing the right investment

There’s a lot to take into consideration when choosing your next investment, from market performance and your risk tolerance to your long-term goals and dreams. Whether it’s your first investment or the latest addition to a growing portfolio each of these factors needs to be researched and considered in order to make an educated investment selection.

The current market performance, as well as new government incentives, are opening the doors for new investment opportunities, as we see more people take advantage of this, how do you choose the right investment choice for you? Firstly, it’s worthwhile doing some background research into the types of investment choices available and the different ways... view article
July 1st 2020

Is now a good time to invest in the property market?

The Coronavirus pandemic is unlike anything we have seen or experienced in our lifetime, impacting all facets of life and economy, including lives, livelihoods, GDP of nations, equity markets, commodity markets, and property markets. So, is now a good time to purchase your next home or is it best to wait it out?

Impact of COVID-19 on the property markets in Australia The real estate prices in Australia have been a steady market for the past couple of years. According to recent reports, the average price of houses across Australia went up by 7.5% between March 2019 to March 2020. In the recent months since the outbreak of the... view article
May 14th 2020

Is now a good time to invest in shares?

The drop in the share market might have you thinking, is now the time to make your move and buy some shares? For those of you already invested in the share market you may be experiencing some fear and uncertainty around your investments and already understand the risk of the game.

Investing in shares is like any other investment, ideally, you want to buy in at a good price and hope the price will increase over time. There are many things to consider before buying in, firstly having the financial backing to buy and then deciding what to buy, where to buy and when to... view article
May 12th 2020

When to pull out of an investment

Given the volatility of the market and talk of a looming recession, we would not be surprised to hear you are currently feeling a level of uncertainty around your investments, especially for those heavily invested in stocks and shares or are expecting to access their super in the next few years.

It is really normal to be nervous or afraid for the future when the price of your investment drops quickly. But should you sell? Markets rise and fall daily which is why we always suggest a long-term investment strategy is key to ride out market volatility. The length of time in which you choose to... view article
April 30th 2020

Landlords – how to effectively manage the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic

For landlords who now find themselves in uncharted territory when dealing with financial impacts of the pandemic, it may be hard to decipher what the facts are and what measures will help you navigate through this time. So what should you do if you or your tenant is financially impacted?

Some speculate government benefits favour renters over landlords, however, others believe leaving negotiations to a case by case basis between tenants and landlords simply is not enough to ensure an adequate outcome.   In late March, the Australian government has announced a freeze on evictions and that landlords and tenants should negotiate a potential rent reduction... view article
April 24th 2020

Dipping your toes into the share market, how should I get started?

Thinking of dipping your toes into the share market? Perhaps you have some money saved and you are considering if it’s worth investing in shares for the first time. Investing in shares is a great way to build up a nest egg for the future and can be incorporated as part of your retirement plan but how do you get started, what’s involved and what do you need to consider?

  Although the recent performance of the market may put you off, with interest rates at all-time low your cash in the bank may be earning you next to nothing. With any investment there is always a level of risk, so what do you need to consider and how do you get started?   Navigating the share... view article
April 21st 2020

Capturing Long-Term Returns

What is the upside and downside capture, portfolio comparisons and the power of compounding.

The following article was shared with us by Zenith Investment Partners, our current Investment research partner. It is technical in nature. If you would like more information or clarification, please reach out to your adviser. Given the magnitude of market declines caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, investors are undoubtedly focusing on how their portfolios have... view article
March 26th 2020

Update on financial support available during COVID-19 outbreak

The Government and Financial Institutions have released a number of measures to support Australians through the economic hardships caused by coronavirus.

As the impacts and consequences of the coronavirus are escalating, we want to assure you that we remain vigilant in our support for all our clients. Everyone’s health and safety are of paramount importance and we will continue our workplace measures of working remotely and engaging with you over the phone or video conference.... view article
March 23rd 2020

Lowest interest rates yet – what does this mean and how you can make the most of it?

Interest rates in Australia are at an all-time low of 0.25%. What does that mean for you and how can you make the most of it?

  Interest rates in Australia are at an all-time low of 0.25%. What does this mean for you and how can you make the most of it? (iv)   Rates are at an all-time low, what does this mean? If you’re looking to refinance, take out a new loan or buy your first property, there has never been... view article
March 9th 2020

How risky is risk? How to find an investment you are comfortable with.

Demystifying the fear of risk… is it that scary? We explore investing with a risk you’re comfortable with.

Ahhhh risk. It sounds scary, doesn’t it? How do you demystify it? What steps can you take to use it to your advantage? What is it all about? Or if we look at it in investment terms, how do you find a level of risk you are comfortable with? *Disclaimer: All information in this article... view article
February 19th 2020

The cost of caution when funding your retirement

How much can too much, or too little caution cost you in the long run?

How are we doing funding our own retirements? Do we have enough? Have we considered the right level of risk at the right time? The cost of caution is about taking on the right amount of risk at the right time. Here we explore this within the context funding your retirement. Each year, the percentage of... view article
February 5th 2020

Retirement hotspots – where to invest your money

We’ve spent our whole lives working for this moment, the day start our new era of living in the golden days of retirement, but where does one choose to retire? We’ve done the research for you and have provided our top picks, taking into consideration investment and lifestyle.

Perhaps you’ve decided on a sea change or looking for a more relaxed lifestyle by the coast. You’ve worked hard for this moment so it’s in your best interest to be in the place that makes you happiest. Was there a town that always felt like your very own piece of heaven? The kids... view article
January 23rd 2020

Ways to invest your money

Before putting your money into any investment option it’s important to make sure you understand, and are comfortable with, the level of risk involved, the investment timeframe, any potential costs involved, and how the product could help you reach your goals.

If you’re interested in seeing what your options are outside of investment property and super this article explores some of the different investment options available. Whether you are an experienced investor who has lived the rise and fall of markets or someone who is taking their first steps, it is important to identify and connect... view article
October 23rd 2019

Taking advantage of low interest rates

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) took the cash rate to a record low 0.25% bringing mortgage rates to their lowest level in more than half a century. However, the low cash rate also means your money in the bank could be earning less interest.

Understand how a financial planner can support you with your need for financial security. Get in touch. [ninja_form id=37]   Why did the RBA cut rates? Rate cuts are a way for the RBA to help stimulate the economy. The idea is, when the RBA lowers the official cash rate, banks may follow suit and lower interest rates... view article
October 10th 2019

Is it better to invest in property or shares?

What are shares and how do you invest in them? What is an investment property? What are the Pros and cons of investing in shares pros and cons of investing in shares and in property?

If you're looking to build an investment portfolio, you've likely thought about whether it's better to invest in property or shares. Asking if property or shares are a better investment is, unfortunately, an oversimplification. It's a bit like wanting to know how long a piece of string is - you need more information before you... view article
April 17th 2019

your investment report card

When was the last time you checked-in on your investments?

Your investment plan should not be one that you 'set and forget'. As life ticks along, your situation, dreams and goals will change. As things change, it's important that you check-in on your investments and ensure they are still appropriate. Are the reasons for choosing the investments still valid? Are you still after the same things? Our Investment... view article
November 28th 2018

Nine keys to successful investing

Are you playing by the rules of the game?

Key points Investing during times of uncertainty can be nerve wracking, but even in good times it can be problematic. For this reason, it’s useful for investors to keep a key set of things – call them rules – in mind. The key rules I think are to: make the most of the power... view article
August 14th 2018

5 investing psychology traps you must avoid

Sometimes your largest financial hurdle is your head. Learn about the most common mind-traps that trip up investors.

Money can play terrible tricks on the mind, which is why even the shrewdest investors may fall victim to illogical thoughts when cash is involved. The human brain is capable of astounding accomplishments. We've developed complex languages, created technology that allows us to walk on the moon and built sophisticated structures that have survived thousands... view article
January 30th 2018

Understanding your ideal investment portfolio

Understanding your ideal investment portfolio

Regardless of why you start investing, it's important that you have a working understanding of the intricacies of your investment portfolio. Australians feel confident investing in popular products such as cash and property, according to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). However, shortcomings in awareness about more complex options and investment concepts has created a considerable... view article
November 1st 2017

5 things to consider when investing for the first time in Australia

When you're starting to think about your financial future, there are a few things you'll want to consider before making any investments.

Young Australians are choosing to invest more in 2017 than they would have in previous years. A recent study by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) shows that the number of investors aged 18-24 has doubled in the last five years alone. While the age distribution of investors is slowly balancing, the youngest group of investors... view article
October 9th 2017

2017 – a list of lists regarding the macro investment outlook

Despite a terrible start to the year and a few political surprises along the way, 2016 saw good returns for diversified investors who held their nerve.

Introduction Despite a terrible start to the year and a few political surprises along the way, 2016 saw good returns for diversified investors who held their nerve. Balanced super funds had returns around 7.5%, which is pretty good given inflation was just 1.5%. 2017 is commencing with less fear than seen a year ago but... view article
January 31st 2017

january market watch

aussie housing, investing in tourism, assessing policy options and limits, and safer real estate

The articles in this month's edition of Market Watch: Australian housing: Vulnerable but not crashing The big picture view on Australian residential property is well known: Australian housing is expensive by global standards and the surge in home prices has gone hand-in-hand with a surge in household debt. What is the likelihood of a crash and... view article
January 17th 2017

review of 2016, outlook for 2017

looking better despite the political noise

AMP's Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, Dr Shane Oliver looks back on 2016 - "a messy but okay year" - and at the outlook for 2017 - "looking better despite the noise". 2016 started badly for investors with worries about global growth and deflation. But global growth turned out okay and, despite political... view article
December 15th 2016
Many of us grew up with the Simpsons family. The hand-drawn characters were always intended to model real life, particularly in the early seasons - and mirror it they did. Whether it's the tribulations of Lisa in a school that doesn't appreciate her, Bart's childlike and mischievous nature, or Homer's love of doughnuts, there's a... view article
September 22nd 2016

Shares hit another rough patch

five things investors should consider doing

After a strong rebound in share markets from the February lows, we look to have entered a rougher patch. However, with most share markets offering reasonable value, global monetary conditions remaining easy and no sign of recession, the trend in shares is likely to remain up. But times like the present can be stressful... view article
September 15th 2016

Megatrends impacting investment markets

major trends and recent developments

Recent developments – including the rise of populism, developments in the South China Sea and around commodity prices along with relentless technological innovation – have relevance for longer term trends likely to affect investors. So this note updates our analysis on longer term themes that will likely impact investment markets over the medium term,... view article
August 25th 2016

Three things to remember about market volatility

Periods of volatility come and go.

After a period of relative calm over 2012-2014 share market volatility has spiked over the last year as various worries about the global growth outlook intensified. With this renewed volatility a focus on risk in investing and a desire for safety has naturally come. In the video below, we consider the role of cycles,... view article
June 3rd 2016

7 reasons for optimism with shares and growth assets

Share markets and commodity prices have seen a decent rebound and the stress in credit markets has receded. The big question is whether it is sustainable or just a bounce

Key points After decent gains in shares and other growth assets since February we could have a short term rough patch given risks around the Fed, Brexit, elections, etc.  However, with most share markets offering reasonable value, global monetary conditions remaining easy and no sign of the much feared recession (in the US, globally or... view article
June 2nd 2016

Diversifying inside super

What it is, how it works and why it matters to you.

What is diversification? Diversification is a risk strategy that lets you ride the ups and downs of investing. It reduces your exposure to risk, so your investments won’t be as affected by fluctuations in markets. How do you diversify? Investment diversification can be achieved by choosing a mix of: asset classes (cash, fixed interest, bonds, property and... view article
March 6th 2016