Our Retirement Philosophy
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we believe it’s possible
Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

Our Retirement Philosophy

Retirement is a lifetime in the making, you’ve worked hard for this phase of life. It should be a time to have the confidence to do what you want when you want.  

With financial clarity and the security to provide a great foundation; retirement is all about freedom, choice and new beginnings. After all, you’re retiring from full-time work, not retiring from life. 


At Invest Blue we work closely with you to help you define your ideal retirement, demonstrate what is possible and develop the right advice to empower you to live your best possible life.   


The changing retirement landscape:

Retirement can be defined as ‘withdrawal and retreat’, and this was once an accurate description of what to expect. Less than a century ago, retirement was typically a short lived, passive leisure period after 40 years or more of workplace toil.  

Today, retirement is a vastly different proposition. Retirees tend to live longer and enjoy more active lifestyles than previous generations. Retirement is usually vibrant and exciting. It’s a time for new beginnings and opportunities. It’s a time for making the choices and having the freedom to do what you enjoy and what matters most.  

Over the past few decades, we’ve seen massive advances in health and medical science. We’re living longer and are staying in better health. Although this means more people are taking an aspirational mindset into retirement, retiring from paid employment can still be daunting. It can also be something that arrives quickly, often catching us by surprise and before we’ve properly planned.  

We work with all our clients to achieve ‘retirement readiness’. This doesn’t just mean having your finances in order (although that’s a major part of it). It also means being in the right physical, emotional and mental state to make your best life retirement journey. That way you can retire, or transition to retirement, at the time you want, or when retirement chooses you. 


Our Retirement Core Beliefs:

financial alignment is the best investment

Defining what is most important to you and your family, then prioritizing your goals based on what matters most will deliver more meaningful use of your hard-earned money every time. 


no one is average

Too often the financial advice industry prepares plans for people based on the average life expectancy. We know that no life is average, and we tailor plans based on your personal longevity for better results. 


big dreams should be lived

The best thing a retirement plan and strategy can do for you is provide confidence that the most important things you want to be able to do can be done. 



We look for blind spots. Tailoring strategy, structure, good quality planning and advice is critical to managing risk well. 


planning for success is complex

The right structures no matter your situation can make all the difference to retirement affordability. 


retirement is a journey, not an event

Plans and goals can change regarding your wealth strategy’s underlying requirements and choices.  We’ll be with you every step of the journey 


Our Process

Understand   Challenge   Empower   Support   Progress  
What is most important to you?   Where can you think differently?   What does your best possible life look like?   What do you need to know to feel confident about your future?   How will you keep on track when life changes?  
By digging deep here, we’ll help you and your family identify what you really want out of life and prioritise those goals when it’s time to make decisions.   Once we’ve discovered your values and aspirations, we’ll outline the possible options you have and discuss the impacts your decisions can have on your best possible life. Through visual modelling we can show you what that looks like. Through this step, we will also detect and manage common risks you will be exposed to.   Now that we know you better and have made well-informed choices together, we will set out a set of strategies, structures and products that we believe give you the best chance at living your best possible life.    Once our plan is underway, we will spend time with you to answer any questions. It is time to get out there and do the doing you planned for.    Change is certain. We will reconnect, review what matters to you and assess how things are going. There will be ongoing choices to make, and by doing this work, you can maintain confidence that you are on track. 


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