Belief 3: Transparency
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we believe it’s possible
Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

Belief 3: Transparency

We believe that transparency is critical to managing your portfolios.

Transparency is important; not just in terms of understanding your underlying holdings of your portfolio, but also the inherent risks, fees, and transaction costs associated with your portfolio.

In today’s global economy, understanding financial markets and the impact on asset values is extraordinarily complex.

We believe that transparency is critical to managing the risk and return in your portfolios, as it allows for a full understanding of the inherent risks, fees and other costs associated with your investments, as well as for a clear understanding of when your investments will perform well and when they may not.

Based on the above, when managing your money, we believe it is essential to have full transparency over all the underlying allocations and holdings in your portfolio and to understand how the portfolio has been constructed. This is we can understand the embedded risks and return expectations, allowing us to design a Wealth Management strategy that will meet your goals and help you make the right financial decisions at the right time.

Taxes & fees

In addition to having transparency over the underlying holdings in your portfolio, it is also important to fully understand the impact of fees and taxes on your wealth management strategy. By transparently understanding each of these factors, we can help you weigh up the benefits of your wealth management strategy against the costs and taxes incurred, to ensure we are maximising your position and providing the highest probability of achieving your goals.

While understanding the fees and taxes of an investment are important, we also consider after-fee/tax risk and return outcomes in building our portfolios. Fees and taxes alone, should not drive decisions, but are an important factor in assessing cost vs benefit.

Our scale allows us to actively pursue more cost-effective wholesale strategies and negotiate fees on behalf of our clients, to provide the best possible outcomes at a competitive price.

Role of your Adviser – Transparency

By clearly understanding the underlying holdings, fees and taxes within your Wealth Management Solution, your adviser can guide you on the underlying risks and return expectations of your portfolio. They can also help you undertake strategies to maximise the probability of achieving your goals through tax minimisation, risk management and understanding of costs.

Additionally, by transparently understanding how your portfolio has been constructed, your adviser can guide you through the journey of the market cycle, and via education and regular support, can help ensure you don’t make the wrong decisions at the wrong time. 

What’s your philosophy?

You do not believe that it is important for you or your adviser to fully understand the underlying holdings, positions, costs and taxes of your investment portfolio. You do not believe that having this information improves the chances of achieving your goals. You are not prepared to pay for Investment transparency. You believe that it is important for you or your adviser to fully understand the underlying holdings, positions, costs and taxes of your investment portfolio in order to maximise the chances of achieving your goals. Achieving this is more important to you than sourcing lower cost non transparent investment options.
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