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Estate Planning

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Yours, mine & ours – estate and succession planning for modern families

Navigating complex family relationships and blended families can be challenging at times and particularly when a family member dies.

A good estate plan can help to make sure your wishes are carried out when you die. An estate plan, of which a will is the first and most important part, can ensure your estate is distributed in the way you want. It can also help if you become incapacitated, particularly when it includes... view article
October 10th 2023

Ask an Adviser – What to do if you receive a lump sum of money?

What to do if you receive a financial windfall

I have been hearing and reading more and more about the fact that we are about to go through the most significant intergenerational wealth transfer in Australian history. According to the Productivity Commission, $3.5 trillion over the next two decades will be transferred between members of the "Baby Boomer" generation to their children and... view article
October 20th 2022

Coming into an inheritance

Knowing what to do with a lump sum of money, at what is often an emotional time, can be quite difficult. Such a bittersweet situation; the loss of a loved one is never pleasant, but the gift they have left you in the form of inheritance can be a blessing.

Deciding how to best use this money can be quite overwhelming. Pay off the mortgage, take a holiday or purchase a new car… they’re all great ideas. But before you come to a decision, read through the below considerations. Don’t act rashly – Sit back and take a deep breath. You could certainly set... view article
February 10th 2022

Family trusts: A trusted investment vehicle

Family trusts are a popular and effective investment structure to manage and protect your family’s fortune, but you don’t have to be worth a fortune to benefit from having one.

Despite their appeal, they are not for everyone. Indeed, it is suggested that if your assets are less than $300,000, and that is not counting your super, then it may well not be worth your while. But for those with sufficient assets, a family trust can be an effective way to protect your family’s assets... view article
September 3rd 2021

How tax works when giving or receiving an inheritance

Have you considered whether there are any tax obligations when it comes to inheriting? Here's what you need to consider when giving or receiving an inheritance.

  For many, leaving something behind to help out our loved ones after we pass is extremely important. However, if handled incorrectly, tax can often take a large chunk out of what the beneficiary receives. Here's what you need to know, whether giving or receiving an inheritance, to ensure the most is made out of... view article
July 27th 2021

Making Your Wishes Known

While Australia’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was among the best in the world, the speed and spread of the illness underlined just how fragile life can be.

It was also a solemn reminder of the importance of ensuring your affairs are in order, so your wishes are met – in life and death. The centrepiece of any estate planning is your Will, which sets out who you would like to receive your assets when you die, and how they are to be... view article
May 5th 2021

A guide to managing inheritance or a lump sum of money

What to do with a lump sum of money; whether it be from an inheritance, a gift or a withdrawal from your superannuation or retirement savings.

When you receive a lump sum of money it can be hard to decide what is best to do with it. You should be considering what to do with the lump sum BEFORE you receive it so avoid any unnecessary taxation, and to optimise its potential. In this article: Types of lump sums Think about your... view article
July 3rd 2020

Estate Planning 101

All the ins and outs; why, what’s involved, the conversations, and a checklist!

An Estate Plan is a pile of legal documents. It is also a comprehensive plan that ensures you and your family can enjoy your ideal lifestyle now, and that when the time comes when you’re no longer around, your family will be taken care of. The topic of Estate Planning is not at all appealing.... view article
April 12th 2018

Importance of Estate Planning for all ages

Estate Planning isn't the most exciting activity, but it can ensure that your wishes are looked after.

The majority of adult Australians have a valid will, according to the "Having the last word?" report. The study, completed by researchers at the University of Queensland (UQ), Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Victoria University (VU), examined the estate planning intentions of over 2,700 Australians. Through the survey, it was found that many people... view article
March 1st 2018

Leaving a legacy – the perfect gift

How your legacy can make a difference to Australian charities

Sometimes we simply aren't able to provide for the causes we care about, but bequests offer a last chance to use money for the greater good. Throughout our lives, we're often touched by the struggles we face - whether our own or a loved ones. It's for this reason that many of us want... view article
November 27th 2017

When should you start thinking about estate planning?

Your estate plan is like a fire alarm. You hope you'll never need it, but you're much better off having one as early as possible.

There's a common misconception in Australia that planning your estate is something only those nearing retirement need to worry about. This isn't the case, however, as if the worst should happen, you'll want to have a proper will and estate plan to distribute your assets according to your wishes. Just as you should start planning... view article
November 9th 2017

Common estate planning mistakes to avoid

Planning your estate can at times feel overwhelming. Avoid these common mistakes to ensure that the distribution of your assets is carried out as you hope.

No one wants to disrupt their lives by thinking about death, but knowing your loved ones will be provided for once you're gone makes it worthwhile. Creating a comprehensive estate plan involves developing an end of life strategy for distributing your assets (i.e. a will), and ensuring that said plan is regularly reviewed as... view article
October 25th 2017

estate planning & why you need a super plan

When it comes to passing-on your super money, you need to put specific plans in place so the right people end up with it when the time comes.

You’d probably rather be doing something other than thinking about your own mortality. But because your super can become a significant amount of money, you’ll want to make sure it goes to the right people when you die. Like lots of other people, you may not know that when you die your super money won’t... view article
April 11th 2017
  The idea of life insurance is hardly inspiring, in fact it can be downright depressing! But knowing you have adequate coverage can be a huge load off, as well as a crucial gift to your family. With a fresh year underway, and potentially some renewed energy for taking care of yourself, now is a great... view article
January 17th 2017