Our Communities | Invest Blue
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we believe it’s possible
Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

Our Communities

Invest Blue is passionate about giving back to and being involved in our local communities. In our founding ‘vision,’ we identify that:

“we want to be valued members of our communities. We are strong contributors to and participants in local communities. We want to be generous.”


Salvation Army Christmas Appeal

We have been flooded with donations this year for our Salvation Army Christmas Appeal to help spread some cheer and support those in need. It’s an initiative we are passionate about, and our people and offices have been busy collecting gifts and food to donate. This year we will also be making a cash donation on behalf of our people and clients. You can read more on this here.

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Red Cross Blood Drive

InvestBlue is a part of Lifeblood Teams, an initiative which unites teams across Australia to give life by giving blood.

This year we saved 177 lives during our BloodLife donation drive which is a huge effort from all. The Coffs Harbour team saved 48 lives followed by our Armidale team with 39 lives saves. You can see our full tally here.

Our Virtual Biggest Morning Tea

On the 28th of May we held our “virtual” Biggest Morning Tea by the Cancer Council to help raise funds to go towards life-saving cancer research, support services and prevention programs.

We had over 100 of our people dial in across all our locations and home offices. We raffled off donated prizes, shared some stories and enjoyed a morning tea supporting a cause which is close to all our hearts. Collectively we were able to raise $2622 which is an amazing effort by all involved.

You too can donate to this fantastic charity on our donation page here: https://www.biggestmorningtea.com.au/fundraisers/InvestBlue

Supporting Buy a Bale this quarter

Buy a Bale

Last quarter Invest Blue supported Rural Aid’s Buy a Bale fundraiser to help raise much-needed funds for farmers in need. Farmers across Australia have been faced with some of the driest conditions recorded in the last century, causing water supplies and pastures to completely dry up.

Buy a Bale supports Australian farmers facing hardship due to drought, the fundraiser allows the public to buy a hay bale or tanks of water for the farmers who need it the most. $100 can buy 1 large hay bale and $450 is enough to deliver a whole water tank. Established in 2013 Buy a Bale currently supports farmers Australia wide including some of our local regions.

Invest Blue has offices in 17 locations across QLD, NSW and VIC most of those in regional areas where we see the direct impact drought causes to not only the farmers but also the community which made this fundraiser close to our hearts.

Throughout the quarter we were able to raise $1800 directly from our people, for the Buy a Bale fundraiser.

You can read stories by impacted farmers here. 

Donate Here.

buy a bale


Our recent sponsorship of the Colour Fun Run

Northmead Primary Colour Fun Run

One of our Lending Specialists reached out for us to support her local Primary School, Northmead Primary, for a ‘Colour Fun Run’ and we were happy to assist. And what a colourful day it was! The festivities included race around the playground, obstacles, ‘get made a colourful shade’ and a dance station! Many volunteers helped on the day and a fun time was had by all.

Colour Run


Our ongoing support

Pro Bono work for cancer victims.

Throughout the year we work with clients pro bono through the Cancer Council to assist families who have received a terminal diagnosis to ensure their financial affairs are in order and to facilitate any insurance claims they may have. This is a very difficult time and we are honoured to be able to play a small role in supporting families when they need help the most.

Saving Lives for The Red Cross

Our business supports the Red Cross by providing our people with the time to give blood. Whist we have an ongoing commitment to donating, we held a competition across all of our sites to see which one could donate the most (well done to Tamworth!!!).  Across the quarter we saved 108 lives! So often it is something other than money that people need and this is a great way to be able to give to our local communities. The Red Cross’ Red25 Program is a great way for businesses to get involved.

We are also long-standing supporters of the following organisations:

  • Can Assist,
  • Ronald McDonald House,
  • The Armidale Hospital,
  • Variety and Spinal Injuries QLD.



The gift of time & supporting each other

Each of our people are allocated a day’s leave each year to spend time supporting their charity of choice. This initiative recognises that so often it is our time that organisations need and we see this as a great way to give back in our direct communities.

We also encourage our people to participate in any charitable activities they desire and support the promotion of these activities internally, often resulting in donations arising across the business. In the last 12 months, there have been “Liptembers“, “Dry July’s“, “Movembers“, Oxfam Trailwalks to name a few.


Here are a few of the things we have supported:


Heading into the Christmas Season this year, we are supporting Share the Dignity in their #itsinthebag charity. Each of our locations will be gathering items to donate to this worthy cause. “We all have the power to make life better for a woman or girl experiencing homelessness or poverty this Christmas.” Anyone can drop items in and we will ensure they make it the right collection points in time.


Supporting a local school

One of our Lending Specialists reached out to ask for support for her sons’ local primary school. Northmead Public School was raising funds to purchase a water bottle refill and chill station – keeping the kids hydrated and saving waste. We are proud to get behind these local intiatives that make a difference in our communities. Well done Northmead PS! Read more about this gorgeous event here.

Supporting local farmers

We partnered with Moore Stephen to fundraise internally for the Buy a Bale program raising thousands of dollars. We also took action in Armidale and had a ‘Drive through for Drought’ sausage sizzle in our car park, raising $2117.80 for the Drought Angels to provide support to those who were hit hardest by the drought impacting much of NSW and QLD.

Supporting local arts

Early this year we were approached by the organisers of Chicago through a client – they were looking for support to get their production up and running. We were more than happy to get behind this event as we could see it directly helping many local artists realise a goal of their own, and knew it would be a spectacular event for the Armidale NSW community. We were not disappointed! The show was a smashing success, sold out all 9 nights and was incredibly executed – top notch! Well done Little Fish. Read more about this story here.

Little Fish Big Dream - Invest Blue


Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea



Australia’s biggest morning tea is a national institution on the fundraising calendar and we are happy participants each year. We ensure to take a few minutes out of the morning across all our sites to share in some baked goods, a quick round of the Daily Telegraph’s quiz and plenty of laughs. We all bring in a cash donation and pool that up as well. This year we raised $1,590!


Supporting the “little” guys

We partnered with a number of local charities including As well as local sporting clubs including Everton Park Jr Rugby Union Club, Armidale Blues Rugby Club, Barbarians Summer Sevens Rugby Tournament, Brothers Rugby Club, Corporate Baskketball Brisbane and many more.