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Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

Retirement Planning

Are you starting to plan for retirement, transitioning into retirement or currently in retirement? Below we share all our tools, resources and insights to help you live your best possible life throughout retirement.

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  • Retirement
  • Financial Planning
  • Home Loans & Leveraging Equity
  • Aged Care
  • Money, Family & Relationships
  • Superannuation & SMSF
  • Women and finance
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  • Debt Management
  • Government Services
  • Investing


Retiring with debt? You’re not alone

Recent data shows that Australia is facing the largest debt generation of approaching retirees.

The retirement landscape has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with a growing number of Australians entering their golden years burdened by substantial levels of household debt. A recent survey conducted by AMP shed light on the financial concerns of Australians aged 50 and older, revealing a stark reality:    Only one in seven individuals... view article
February 8th 2024

Retire with confidence – discover the new generation of retirement income streams

Retire with confidence as we unveil the latest generation of income streams for a modern and secure retirement.

In recent years, we’ve seen a shift by our Australian policy makers to encourage innovation when it comes to retirement income streams. This indicates that families in our country have  Done a great job of accumulating wealth for retirement, but  The systems in place haven’t necessarily helped Australians use their assets in the best... view article
January 29th 2024

Retire with confidence – How an income stream can boost aged care planning

With costs, human vulnerability, the diagnosis of terminal illnesses, and grounds for disputes; securing aged care is a sensitive issue for a growing number of families Australia-wide.

While the potential need for aged care accommodation is often expected, families find it a difficult concept to plan for. In fact, most don’t even consider aged care options until the need for it realistically emerges through illness, incapacity, injury or the death of a partner.    We’re here to support at all points in your... view article
January 17th 2024

Retire with confidence – overcoming your retirement fears

Overcome your fears and retire with confidence

With proper planning, retirement can be the gift of some of the greatest years of your life still to come. Retirement is a lifetime in the making, it should be a time to have the confidence to do what you want when you want. After all, you're retiring from full-time work, not retiring from... view article
November 29th 2023

Sowing the seeds for a happy retirement

The thought of retirement is an enticing one for many of us. Imagine throwing off the shackles of the workforce and being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want. But why wait until you are retired to do the things you love?

Retirement is a time when we finally have the space to do what we want to do with our lives, whether that’s travel, developing and learning new skills, taking up hobbies or just enjoying the company of those we care about. The problem with waiting until we are retired is we are postponing engaging in... view article
August 22nd 2023

The Pros and Cons of a Reverse Mortgage

In the wake of a health crisis and ongoing economic obstacles, it seems more Australian homeowners are looking for solutions that might help them navigate the challenging financial circumstances they face.

Amidst these economic times, it is not surprising that reverse mortgages are gaining more attention through various media platforms – tv, radio and even across the internet. Whilst reverse mortgages may offer certain advantages, if you are considering a reverse mortgage in Australia then it is crucial that you consider both the benefits and... view article
June 15th 2023

How downsizing can revitalise your retirement

Let's take a look at how downsizer contributions can change your retirement outlook.

Downsizer contributions age lowered to 55 From Jan 2023, you can make a downsizer contribution into super from age 55, down from 60 previously. The downsizer rules allow eligible individuals to contribute up to $300,000 from the sale of their home into super. Couples can contribute up to this amount each, up to a combined $600,000.... view article
March 31st 2023

Flexible retirement planning

The concept of retirement is changing, with fewer people working towards a final retirement date and then clocking off for good.

Instead, those who have the flexibility to choose are often transitioning out of the workforce over several years, or even returning to work part-time after a break. Whether you simply want to wind back your working hours to explore other interests or don’t want to cut your ties with work completely, to make it work,... view article
March 3rd 2023

Transitioning into retirement: What you should know

Deciding on your retirement funding options in retirement comes down to what makes the most sense for you.

If you’re close to retirement, chances are you’ve already spent time thinking about how to tap into your superannuation when you retire.   Broadly speaking, you have a few options when you retire, as long as you’ve reached the minimum ‘preservation age’ when you’re allowed to access your super. That’s a little bit complicated because there’s... view article
February 23rd 2023

Guide to concession cards for seniors

The excitement of heading towards retirement and a new stage of life can be tinged with concern over how to manage finances. For many people, seniors’ concession cards are a good way to help make ends meet.

While discounts on goods and services are always welcome, they’re even more valued right now as living costs continue to climb. Concession cards for seniors provide significant discounts on medicines, public transport, rates and power bills. Many private businesses – from cinemas to hairdressers – also offer reduced prices to concession card holders. There are different... view article
February 15th 2023

8 retirement mistakes and how to avoid them

Retirement is a phase of life most of us look forward to. It’s a chance to pursue other interests, travel and maybe do some part-time work or volunteering.

Thanks to more than 30 years of compulsory superannuation, we are retiring with more savings than previous generations but that also brings its challenges. According to the government’s Retirement Income Review, the average age of retirement in Australia is around the ages of 62 to 65.i On average men and women can expect to live to... view article
February 1st 2023

Reaching work-life bliss before retirement

Slow down your transition into retirement and enjoy a work-life balance. Consider these five key topics when planning for your retirement.

Once upon a time, retirement was clear-cut and simple. People would reach a certain age, turn in their notice and immediately begin life without work commitments.   But the lines between retired and working life are blurring. Retirement is now a process, not a defined event. A recent study shows Australians aged 65 and over had workforce... view article
September 29th 2022

A Will to give

As baby boomers shift into retirement, Australia is on the brink of the nation’s biggest ever intergenerational wealth transfer. Yet estate or inheritance planning is rarely discussed by families.

Talking openly about how you want your assets to be passed on can help avoid family disputes that take a toll both financially and emotionally. It provides a certain peace of mind for you – that your intentions will be met – and for your family and friends. Certainly, the stakes have never been higher,... view article
August 4th 2022

Temporary minimum pension drawdown relief to be extended

In response to record low-interest rates and volatile investment markets, the government has extended the temporary 50 per cent reduction in minimum pension drawdowns until 30 June 2023.

Essentially, this means you could stay on your reduced (50 per cent) pension drawdown amount for FY23 and further preserve your tax-free balance in the pension phase. This must be weighed up against your need for the actual pension income to meet your normal expenses. To learn more about the pros and cons of reducing... view article
April 2nd 2022

Boost your retirement income using your home equity

Asset rich and income poor is the dilemma faced by many retirees. But there may be opportunities to boost your income in retirement by tapping into your biggest asset – your home.

With property prices booming, many retirees are finding that the home they have lived in for decades is worth a small fortune, but for various reasons, they don’t wish to sell or downsize. What many may not realise is that you can have your cake and eat it too. Or, in this case, convert part... view article
November 4th 2021

Ways to pay for your aged care

When it comes time to investigate residential aged care for yourself, your partner, parent or relative, the search for a facility and how to pay for it can seem daunting. The system is complex, and decisions are often made in the midst of a health crisis.

Factors such as location to family and friends, reputation for care or general appeal are just as important as the sometimes-high price of a room and other fees in residential aged care. Even so, costs can’t be ignored.i   Don’t leave it too late to have an honest conversation about aged care options with your loved ones.... view article
September 8th 2021

Divorce and superannuation – how is it split?

What will happen to your superannuation following separation? How is superannuation division decided? How can you arrange to split super with your ex-partner? Find out more in this article.

  Divorce or separation is rarely easy. On top of emotional hardship, organising the logistics of financial separation can be confusing. It’s important during times like this to remember to be kind to yourself and seek help when you need it. In Australia, as many as 49,000 divorces are granted each year, and the median duration... view article
June 16th 2021

How much superannuation do you need for a comfortable retirement?

It's a question that will run through all of our minds. How much superannuation do we need for a comfortable retirement? In this article we look at two types of retirement lifestyle: modest and comfortable, and how much singles and couples need.

  How much do you need to live a comfortable retirement? It's a question that, at one point or another, we're all going to run through our minds. And the thing is, everyone's definition of comfort is going to be different. Where an inner-city apartment coupled with international travel every year is one person's dream... view article
June 10th 2021

How to maximise your Retirement Living and Aged Care options

Our mission is to help people achieve their goals and dreams - no matter which stage of life they are at. This is why we are proud to announce that Invest Blue now offers Retirement Living and Aged Care Planning services.

With Australians living longer than ever before, retirement planning is just as important now if not more than ever before. Planning for retirement can give you the comfort of knowing your future is under control and that you can do all those things you’ve dreamed of for all those years. Moreover, it can help... view article
May 6th 2021

How to create financial independence

A guide to creating financial independence, from preparation, creating a passive income and living your dream retirement.

Financial independence may mean different things to each of you. The definition of financial independence is being able to support your lifestyle without needing to work and can be supported by income through investments or assets. For some of you however financial independence may take on its own meaning of being able to financially... view article
March 12th 2021

There’s more than one way to boost your retirement income

After spending your working life building retirement savings, you may be reluctant to eat into your “nest egg” too quickly. This is understandable, given that we are living longer than previous generations and may need to pay for aged care and health costs later in life.

But this cautious approach also means you may end up living more frugally than they need to. This was one of the key messages from the Government’s recent Retirement Income Review, which found most people die with the bulk of the wealth they had at retirement intact.i One of the benefits of advice is that... view article
March 4th 2021

How much does a single person need to retire?

Did you know over the last decade there has been a rise in Australians living and retiring solo? So, you’re not alone! Financially it can be harder for singles in retirement compared to couples, and many people do wonder how much does a single person need to retire?

With divorce rates highest amongst those nearing retirement (eg. aged 50 ) as reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, this is a key reason for why more Australians are entering retirement single. There are of course many other reasons you may find yourself retiring single such as from separation, a partner passing or simply... view article
November 20th 2020

Ask an Adviser – Your dream retirement

In this month’s edition of Ask an Adviser, we interview our Financial Planner, Lazarus Papadopoulos to answer your top asked retirement questions on how you can plan to live your best possible life in retirement.

So, you’re starting to seriously think about retirement and are asking such questions as ‘when can I retire?’ and ‘how much do I need to retire?’. These are all common queries, especially for those transitioning into retirement. In order to help answer these questions some key areas that need to be considered including reviewing your... view article
November 17th 2020

Strategies to Reduce Tax in Retirement

When planning for retirement, reviewing ways to manage and reduce your tax is integral to your financial strategy. After all, you want to ensure you’re maximising your hard-earned money and investments so you can be out living your best possible life.

The first step to creating strategies to reduce tax is to learn as much as you can about how taxes are applied after retirement. The major portion of your income post-retirement is like to come from superannuation funds in the form of pension. A part of the money in super accounts is taxable, including... view article
October 2nd 2020

Living your dream life in retirement

Retirement is the time to live the life you have always dreamt about, and that dream can be different for everyone. We share some of our clients’ dreams and what steps you should implement now so you too can live your dream life in retirement.

What does it mean to live your dreams?   The dream retirement will look different for everyone, it varies with what you want in life, what dreams mean to you, and how you see the world around you. Living your dreams is about understanding what is important for you and your family and having a clear... view article
October 1st 2020

Living Off Investment Properties in Retirement

The Australian dream of owning a home still stands strong. For many, home ownership forms part of their retirement plan and can even provide or build part of an income to live off once retired.

There are several investment options that can form part of your retirement plan; these may include your superannuation, stocks, shares, bonds, cash and properties. Investing in properties has been a popular choice for Australians over the decades and is an effective way to diversify your retirement portfolio and reduce the associated risks. On one... view article
September 15th 2020

How to manage debt when approaching or in retirement

Considering that financial security is the number one life goal for Australians, there's no doubt that we would all like to be debt free no matter what stage of life we are in.

Many events in life require us to take out a loan, and hence acquire debt; buying a home, a new car, education and so on. Although debt is seen to be bad at times, it isn't always bad and might be necessary to help you achieve your goals. However, you do need to have... view article
July 17th 2020

Changes to superannuation work test age

There are now more options and flexibility available within superannuation and retirement planning with recent changes to the superannuation work test age as set in the 2019 Federal Budget. From July 1st 2020 the superannuation work test age will be moved from 65 to 67 years of age, allowing more time for Australians to save for retirement.

Changes to work age test Previously those aged over the age of 65 were required to meet a work test to be able to make personal contributions to their superannuation funds. As of July 1st, 2020, those aged 65 and 66 are no longer required to meet this requirement. i.e. People who are aged 65 and... view article
July 3rd 2020

Should I reduce my minimum drawdown rate on my pension?

The pros and cons of reducing superannuation or pension minimum drawdown rates

Retirees now have the option to reduce their drawdown rates, so should you? On 22 March 2020, as part of their response to Coronavirus, the Government announced that retirees with account-based pensions and similar products would be able to reduce their drawdown rates. This measure is in response to the incredible market volatility we have... view article
April 2nd 2020

The cost of caution when funding your retirement

How much can too much, or too little caution cost you in the long run?

How are we doing funding our own retirements? Do we have enough? Have we considered the right level of risk at the right time? The cost of caution is about taking on the right amount of risk at the right time. Here we explore this within the context funding your retirement. Each year, the percentage of... view article
February 5th 2020

Retirement hotspots – where to invest your money

We’ve spent our whole lives working for this moment, the day start our new era of living in the golden days of retirement, but where does one choose to retire? We’ve done the research for you and have provided our top picks, taking into consideration investment and lifestyle.

Perhaps you’ve decided on a sea change or looking for a more relaxed lifestyle by the coast. You’ve worked hard for this moment so it’s in your best interest to be in the place that makes you happiest. Was there a town that always felt like your very own piece of heaven? The kids... view article
January 23rd 2020

How will your expenses change in retirement?

Planning your retirement income isn't a straightforward task. It's challenging to know exactly how much you'll need for the bare basics and how much extra you'd like for travel and luxury items.

Planning your retirement income isn't a straightforward task. It's challenging to know exactly how much you'll need to have available to you for the bare basics, and it is much harder to judge how much extra you'd like to have for travel or luxury items. Part of this challenge comes down to the fact that... view article
December 3rd 2019

Life in retirement

Here we share three client stories about enjoying life in retirement.

What’s in store for your retirement? Travel, hobbies, time for family, working part-time in a passion-career or maybe finding your feet after an unexpected event? In this article we share three of our Client Stories about life in retirement, and how financial advice has helped. Invest Blue has helped thousands of clients and their families... view article
October 30th 2019

Making the mental transition into retirement

How do you prepare for a mentally healthy retirement? We explore the key areas you need to be aware of and show you where financial advice can help.

Retirement is an exciting time of life - you have freedom! Without the obligations of work, you'll reap the joys of limitless free time, flexibility and the opportunity to pursue any manner of a personal project. It's certainly a time of your life to be celebrated. That said, there are bugbears that can come to... view article
October 18th 2019

Five tips to help you save for your retirement

Planning for your retirement and identifying your ideal lifestyle can be a challenge, so we’ve put these five tips together to help you save. A financial planner can inspire you, help you with your super and put you on track to achieve your ideal retirement.

  Whether you're thinking of leaving the workforce within the next 10 years, or a little later, you should be taking a hard look at your savings and working out if you're on track for the retirement you want to live. With more than half of Australians over 65 fully self-funding their retirements, as reported by... view article
October 4th 2019

I’m worried I don’t have enough super, how do I overcome this?

Getting ready for retirement? Make sure you'll be able to afford your ideal lifestyle.

More than half of Australians over 65 today are self-funding their retirements, while only 25 per cent draw a full Age Pension, reports Challenger[1]. The same research shows average super balances are on the rise, and the typical household super of people retiring today sits around $400,000. As more Australians enter retirement with an appropriate... view article
September 24th 2019

How do you even start planning for retirement?

Planning for retirement can seem like a monumental task at any age. As many as one in five Australians aren't thinking about their financial future past retirement. Creating a plan as early as possible is the best way to ensure you'll be looked after.

How do you even start planning for retirement? Whether you're 25 or 50, planning for retirement can seem like a monumental task. As many as one in five Australians aren't thinking about their financial future past retirement, either because it simply feels too far away or they feel retirement planning is only for the wealthy,... view article
September 3rd 2019

Most older Aussies prefer home care over a nursing home

While nearly nine in 10 say they have a preference, less than five in 10 have discussed their wishes with their family. What about you?

  According to a recent study by McCrindle, nearly 90% of Australians aged 50 and over said they’d prefer to live out their days in their own home, even though most admitted to not having given much thought to what support they’d need in order to do so. i We look at some of the findings... view article
June 24th 2019

Ageing parents

Help them make the most of their twilight years

These days, people live longer and fuller lives than ever before. Our parents and relatives hopefully have long and fulfilling post-retirement years to look forward to. If you would like to discuss your options and how you might manage it from a financial perspective, please get in touch. [ninja_form id=37]   Everyone's circumstances are different and your loved... view article
May 27th 2019

Government support in retirement

As you are approaching retirement or if you are already retired, it is very common for people to be worried about how much money they will need and if they have enough saved.

The Australian Government provides support to many Australians who are retired through the Age Pension. The Pension is meant to provide a basic income to help meet the cost of living. Whether you qualify and the amount you would receive depends on several variables, mainly your age, whether you are single or a member... view article
April 18th 2019

Is it too late to grow my super?

Take a look at how your super balance compares to others, how much you'll need for a comfortable retirement and what you can do to maximise your financial potential.

Almost a third of Australian pre-retirees don't feel confident they'll be in a comfortable financial position by the time they retire, according to Australian Unity. If the same applies to you, you're probably wondering what can be done now to ensure your retirement is stress-free. We spoke to Invest Blue Financial Planner Chris Ogilvie about... view article
March 20th 2019

Maintaining Independence: Your retirement living options

What lies ahead in your retirement? How flexible would you like your living situation to be? What options are available near family? What does your family want for you? What kind of lifestyle do you want?

Knowing where and how you'll retire well in advance gives you the time you need to adjust to a new way of living and ensure your retirement will work for you. One of the biggest considerations you'll need to make is your living situation. We've already discussed live-in aged care facilities in our recent blog... view article
March 11th 2019

Maintaining independence: Supported living in Australia

Supported Living; retaining your independence as you grow older.

It's no surprise that as you get older your independence becomes more important to you. Growing up it's a hard-won right, and over your adulthood, it becomes second nature. Protecting your independence is an essential part of retirement, and one of the best ways to do this is to consider your options early. At Invest... view article
January 31st 2019

2018’s best Australian retirement spots by state

Our top picks for retirement locations and how much the average house will cost you.

Australia is one of the best countries in the world to retire in. Our Pacific nation ranked within the top three countries for retirement in all but one of the nine ageing indices reviewed by the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR). That said, there are always going to be areas within... view article
October 23rd 2018

Post-retirement bliss

5 financial strategies that will help you live the dream

Retirement is not a single purchase - it has no fixed cost, not even a fixed length. Your post-work life consists of your standard living costs, but depending on the lifestyle you want to lead you might face additional expenses that need to be accounted for. This is why it's so crucial to not just... view article
September 4th 2018

Are you planning a mentally healthy retirement?

Making the most of your golden years living healthy and happy.

No one likes to talk about mental health. After all, it's easy to be scared of a beast we can't see. However, to overcome these issues the best thing we can do is talk. So, let's start a dialogue about mental health in retirement. Mental health risk factors in retirement Older people generally experience fewer mental health... view article
August 9th 2018

6 tips for stress-free retirement planning

Don’t let planning your golden years cause you unnecessary stress.

Retirement is a double edged sword. Putting your working years behind you can feel like a huge relief and mean you can really live the way you want to. That said, getting to that sweet spot can be stressful. At Invest Blue, we know that the right strategy and attitude can do wonders for reducing... view article
July 25th 2018

How to cope with losing independence

If you or a loved one is experiencing a loss of independence, you may be able to maintain a sense of control.

Few, if any of us, look forward to losing independence. In fact, research reveals that 75% of older people feared losing independence while only 29% feared dyingi. It also revealed that 44% were worried about moving into an aged care facility. Whether a physical, social or emotional reason prevents complete independence, it generally brings a... view article
June 12th 2018

What do you want your retirement to look like?

Understanding what you truly want out of retirement and making it happen

There’s no doubt that for most Aussies, our lives are busy. You’ve worked hard to be where you are; you’ve raised kids, worked to make sure they’re educated, healthy and happy, all whilst keeping on top of work and the daily chores of life. Chances are, the two minutes you’ve had to dream about... view article
May 21st 2018

Are you ready to downsize?

Feeling too small for your home and ready for a downsize?

After retirement, it's common to think about selling the family home and moving somewhere a little smaller. Downsizing, as it's called, puts all those empty rooms to use with a new family while also letting you enjoy your golden years in a home better suited to a retired lifestyle. Downsizing doesn't have to be only... view article
April 24th 2018

Why your retirement plan won’t look anything like your parents did

How retirement trends are changing and how we are actually planning to 'retire'

Planning your retirement is getting more complex, so what are the key trends impacting the way we set our 'golden years'? As our population ages and the way we live changes, retirement, as we have known it in the past, is becoming disconnected to the way our countries 'retirees' are wanting to live their lives.... view article
April 13th 2018

How to retire your way

The retirement you dream of is a possibility with the right planning.

How you’d like to spend your retirement is as unique as you. From the big life changing goals, to the smaller, more personal ones that give your life meaning. There’s no defined age you must retire by, and it isn’t just about your finances. Your state of mind, where you live, how you spend your... view article
November 3rd 2017

Retire at 55?

Four ways to see how your retirement planning is going at 55

Planning for retirement is more of a marathon than a sprint, but have you done enough to make it over the finish line in time? If you're 55 years old (or thereabouts), you've either reached the preservation age or are near enough to start thinking seriously about your retirement options. At the preservation age, which differs... view article
September 22nd 2017

Could you retire today?

Planning for retirement involves calculating a budget to live comfortably and putting aside the necessary cash to achieve it. But are there other ways?

Setting up for retirement requires a little maths. Normally, you calculate how much you need to save for a comfortable lifestyle and begin putting enough aside each month so that you reach your magic number by a specific date. Whether that's in your 60s, 50s, 40s or even earlier is entirely up to you. One potential... view article
August 28th 2017

The real cost of aged care

Aged care is a reality for many people in the country, but how do you avoid a bad nursing home in Australia and prepare for a different type of retirement?

Australia is an ageing nation. The proportion of the population aged 74 years or over is expected to jump from 6.4 per cent in 2012 to 14.4 per cent in 2060, according to Productivity Commission figures. This change indicates improved life expectancy in the country (which is great), but it also means you may have... view article
August 10th 2017

How can I retire without debt in Australia?

Nearly half of the population are asking themselves 'how can I retire without debt in Australia?' according to recent research. Do you have a financial plan?

Whether you're looking to pay off a mortgage in retirement, or you've relied too much on your credit cards, many Australians face entering their golden years with debt hanging over them. REST Industry Super recently revealed that 46 per cent of Australians predict they will retire with debt. Of these, 25 per cent will still... view article
August 9th 2017

Best retirement spots for each state

Been wondering where in Australia is best to retire? Check out some of these affordable retirement spots for each state.

According to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, a single person enjoying a comfortable lifestyle in retirement will need approximately $40,000 a year from the age of 65. As we're now living longer (another 19.5 years for men and 22.3 years for women after 65), men and women wanting to enjoy a comfortable retirement... view article
July 25th 2017

How to re-evaluate your personal finances in the new FY

The new financial year is a time for businesses to set goals for the next 12 months, but why not use this time to re-evaluate your personal finances?

The beginning of the new financial year (FY) is an important date in the business calendar. Organisations must meet various tax and employee obligations, as well as evaluate past performance and set targets for the future. But it's not just businesses that can benefit from sprucing up their finances in preparation for the new FY.... view article
July 21st 2017

Spare time in retirement?

Everything you need to know about volunteering in retirement

You've finally made it. You've finished your last day of full-time employment and are ready to fully embrace your dream retirement. Are you now wondering what to do in retirement? Surely it's time to make life all about you and your family after years of hard work? Read on, or get in touch to discuss... view article
June 9th 2017

skip to the 5th stage of retirement grief

Avoid the first four stages of retirement grief and skip straight to acceptance

The five stages of grief are well known to most people, with the concept often trotted out on TV and in films to portray the emotional rollercoaster that characters go through when they're recently bereaved or terminally ill. While typically used for dramatic effect for audiences, the Kübler-Ross model of grief is at the root... view article
May 15th 2017

what does a comfortable retirement look like?

How much money you'll need will depend on a variety of things.

Have you got a plan in mind for when you retire? Is it to travel overseas, hit more balls on the golf course or spend time with family and friends? Whatever your goals, you’ll need to have a plan for how you’re going to get there financially. Comfortable versus a modest retirement Everyone’s idea of how... view article
May 10th 2017

top tips to cut costs on your big retirement OE

how can you cut costs when you decide to enjoy retirement by travelling across the world?

We've got the big tips you need. How you choose to enjoy retirement is up to you. You could pick up cycling (we hear it's the new golf), or get some well-earned rest and relaxation in a dream home day in day out. For many retirees, however, leaving the workforce means it's time for adventure. Both Roy... view article
April 19th 2017
When are you truly ready to retire? Quitting the workforce and settling down for the rest of your years is a huge decision, and a very difficult one. How much is enough? What if you want to retire before 65? Is it even financially sustainable? At Invest Blue, we work with people to help them... view article
March 29th 2017
Caught the travel bug? It's pretty easy to do. Most of us spend the first two months of the year back in the office idly browsing SkyScanner, looking for the cheapest flights to anywhere but here. Others are simply looking to enjoy their retirement with some well-earned travel. Where are you headed next? In fact, Roy... view article
March 24th 2017

Is cycling the new golf?

it's a simple process

How do you plan to make the most of your retirement? Buy a yacht, travel the world? Once upon a time, the stereotypical retiree was clad in plaid and hitting the fairways. But now, there's a fast-growing trend that could be the best way to stay active in your later years - cycling. We're not... view article
March 18th 2017
On the financial planning front, you might be absolutely sorted for your retirement. Super fund full to the brim, established investments generating income, notice given at your work - you're ready to go! But before you ease into it, you should take a minute. We won't take long, we promise. There are a few surprising... view article
March 1st 2017
When you're just starting out in your career and you're first getting used to making a steady paycheck, the challenge is simply to budget for your daily life. You want to pay the rent, cover all your bills and expenses and be sure you're not spending more money than you make. In your 20s,... view article
October 19th 2016

Ready, set, plan!

it's a simple process

Retirement, by nature, involves lots of planning. While it may seem like a drag now, the more preparation you do early on, the better you'll be positioned down the road. This process involves a hefty portion of foresight. Sure, it may seem difficult to conceptualise what you'll want and need at age 75 as a 35... view article
August 11th 2016
There's a tangible end goal when planning for retirement - probably the most rewarding one you'll ever come across. Once you hit retirement age and start drawing from both your pension and super plan, you'll want to put your feet up, relax and start doing the things you've never found time for. But what are... view article
June 23rd 2016
We've all heard the sayings "30 is the new 20; 40 is the new 30; orange is the new black" . While things certainly change over time in terms of our lifestyle (and fashion) choices, the way we approach retirement planning probably shouldn't. A new study from Roy Morgan Research shows how taking superannuation to heart... view article
June 13th 2016

Achieving a comfortable retirement

While the prospect of a longer life is great news, the rub is that we’ll need to find extra money to fund lengthier retirements.

Many women dream of a retirement where they can kick back and relax, do whatever they like and be free from the demands of others – actually focusing on caring for themselves. But this step often means being free from financial worries or concerns and for a large proportion of women, the prospect of... view article
April 19th 2016