Empower Meeting | Invest Blue
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we believe it’s possible
Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.


Empower meeting Icon


When your strategy is ready, we come together again to go through it all. We take you through the advice within the scope that has been agreed upon and the strategies or products we believe deliver the best value to you for your situation, goals and dreams.

We are passionate about helping people realise their goals and dreams so that they can live their best possible life, and this is the meeting where that journey really begins.


Formally, the advice will be documented in what we call a ‘Statement of Advice’. In that, we will provide:

  • Full details of our recommendations, including products
  • Details of fees and costs for our advice, and any product fees
  • Comparison information between your current and proposed strategies and products
  • Benefits and reasons for our advice, as well as consequences and risks associated
  • Any relevant product disclosure statements (PDS)
  • Details of our recommended ongoing support package, our service offer and costs

You may request variations to the plan at this point. If the changes requested are significant, we may need to prepare a new advice document.

When all is agreed, and everyone is comfortable with the plan, we will ask you to sign an Authority to Proceed document that formalises your agreement to go ahead with the plan.

And then we get to work!

After this meeting, we commence what we call ‘lodgement’ which just means that we execute the strategy and get all the necessary paperwork underway. We commence this within 48 hours of the meeting being held.


Time between meeting

Empower – Full Implementation: 2 weeks + depending on products to be implemented

Completing this work can take 2 or more weeks depending on the strategy, products and suppliers involved. We keep you informed along the way.


For many of our clients, holistic financial advice can mean quite a significant change to their financial lives. It has taken a lifetime to get where you are now, and it will take some time to update things to suit your best life.


Next Step: Support