Striding ahead testimonial
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we believe it’s possible
Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

Striding ahead testimonial

Peter Madirazza switches off in a way that not everyone would find relaxing, Forrest Gump excluded – he runs and then runs some more. He might cover 40 kilometres a week and more than twice that when training for a specific event, such as the upcoming 100km North Face Endurance Challenge. Peter and his wife Karen have also made some great strides financially by setting their family up for the longer-term with thanks to their fifteen year relationship with Invest Blue’s Steve Sewell.

“Apart from our shared appreciation of sport and cricket especially, we find Steve very reassuring. Thanks to Steve, we know we have all the facts when the time comes to making decisions. He gives us peace of mind that we’re doing the right thing for our longer-term financial future.”

Read Peter & Karen's Story