65 countries and counting testimonial
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Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

65 countries and counting testimonial

In 2007, when Jenny Abraham first met with Invest Blue, one of her key goals was to set herself up for early retirement at the age of 60. At the time, Jenny was in her late 40’s and working as a special educator. Thanks to Invest Blue, Jenny not only achieved this important milestone but did so two years earlier than anticipated, leaving her free to indulge in her great passion, travel.

For some years, Jenny also had a target of travelling to 60 countries by the age of 60. This year, the tally will hit 70! I’m sure her many students over 37 years of teaching would agree that Jenny deserves an A+ for effort! She sure is one to get things done.

Read Jenny’s full story