MySuper is a simple default investment option for people who haven’t made an active choice about how their super is invested. You will have the choice to keep your super where it is, or to have it automatically rolled into MySuper; there are consequences if you do not make a decision.
If you haven’t made an investment choice:
If you have made an investment choice, your existing super balance and ongoing contributions will remain in your current investment option(s).
If you would like help to complete the form, or have misplaced the form, email us at itspossible@investblue.com.au. We are here to help.
AMP’s product dashboards provide a summary of the investment performance, risk and fees for AMP’s MySuper options. MySuper is a simple default investment option for people who haven’t made an active choice about how their super is invested.
View MySuper Dashboards
By taking the time to understand how your money is being invested, you can make smart choices with the aim of maximising your retirement income later.
When considering your investment options, think about your investment goals, how comfortable you are with risk and the lifestyle you want to live in retirement.
It’s easy to change your investment options and manage your super online. My AMP provides access to your AMP accounts 24/7.
Contact your financial adviser or locate an adviser in your area to get professional advice on the investment option that best suits your needs.
What you need to know
Source: 2016 AMP Limited.
It’s important to consider your particular circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before deciding what’s right for you. This information hasn’t taken your circumstances into account.
This information is provided by AMP Life Limited. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. All information on this website is subject to change without notice.