How much is enough | Invest Blue
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How much is enough

There are many factors affecting the level of insurance you need. And there are some questions you’ll need to answer:

  • If you were to become too sick or injured to work, how long could you keep your lifestyle and pay your bills?
  • If you were to pass away, who would repay your debts? What sort of lifestyle would your beneficiaries have?
  • Are you self-employed? If you were to have an accident and were unable to work, how would you cover your business expenses? And what will it cost?

In a survey, 81% of Australians thought that insurance was too expensive, yet 61% of those had overestimated the cost.

The cost of cover will vary depending on your age, your job and the level of cover.

Find out how much insurance cover you need using the calculator below:
Insurance Calculator

Or Get in touch with us today to get help in determining how much is enough for you.