Three Generations Heeding Invest Blue’s Advice
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Three Generations Heeding Invest Blue’s Advice


Client Story - Three Generations Cropped

Peter Courtelis has always been one to ‘save for a rainy day.’ He says he’s simply wired that way. His father set a great example, encouraging Peter to plan for the future and set aside some of his earnings. That practical approach has served Peter well, and he’s keen for his two sons to make small steps now to ensure their longer-term financial security.

Here, Peter shares his Invest Blue experience and explains why they’re the right company to guide three generations of his family.

Peter crossed paths with Sydney-based financial planner Steve Fort (now Director and Head of Financial Planning) over 15 years ago when Steve worked closely with Peter’s mum, Toni. Steve proved tremendously helpful to Toni, especially after Peter’s father passed away. And all these years on, Steve continues to look after her financial affairs. Last year saw a significant shift for Toni when she moved out of her home and into an aged care facility.

Steve arranged for a colleague from the Brisbane office who specialises in supporting those transitioning into aged care to help with all the ins and outs. Peter describes such support as ‘extremely valuable.’


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When asked why Invest Blue is the right fit for Toni, Peter, wife Julie and their two sons, Chris and Issac, the answer is simple. “For me, it comes down to a level of trust,”

Peter says before adding, “Steve’s a big part of why we’re with Invest Blue. We started with him, and we’ve built up a great rapport.”

From the outset, Peter was clear on the big picture. The goal was to build and secure a nest egg for him and Julie, enabling them to continue their existing lifestyle long into retirement.

Peter says Steve made some helpful recommendations on how to invest his superannuation best, and for some time now, the focus has been on maximising Peter and Julie’s savings and building on their managed fund portfolio.

With their sights firmly on the future, things simply tick along smoothly.

Thinking ahead is also something Peter encourages his boys to do. At 28 and 26, respectively, they’re making their own way in the world, but their father’s ‘save for a rainy day’ strategy is one they’re actively on board with – perhaps one more willingly than the other! Peter describes his sons’ perspective on money as ‘chalk and cheese.’ His eldest has cleared his HECS debt and is a great saver, whilst the other, a fine dining chef currently based in Canada, is an excellent spender. Needless to say, the son Peter took along to chat with Invest Blue first (back in 2016) was the chef!

Peter explains why it’s important for young people to have financial guidance.

“I’ve always been mindful of having money set aside for the future, and I don’t want our kids to look back in 10 years and think, ‘What have I done with all the money I earned?’

Peter’s proud to be able to give the boys a ‘bit of a leg up.’ “It’s money they don’t miss at the moment. It simply comes out of their pay before it hits their bank accounts.

Peter and Wife - Client Story

Peter and Julie enjoy cocktails together

Julie and Peter are empty nesters with their sons based interstate and overseas. Peter sounds pretty content about it, too. Both love their home of many years in the Blue Mountains area. The pair enjoy pottering in the garden and getting away for weekends. Peter works full-time (often from home) as an engineering manager for a large multinational company but intends to reduce work in the years ahead. Julie is with the NSW Department of Education. The plan is to continue working for some time, yet…after all, there are fabulous travels to pay for!

Enjoying overseas travel, particularly in the next five years whilst they’re in such good health is a top priority for the couple. Covid interrupted certain plans, but the Courtelis’ have long been intent on having at least one overseas trip every year. Sailing in the Greek Islands and exploring the beautiful places that line the Mediterranean Sea remains one of their most loved adventures. And with Isaac currently based in the British Columbian town of Whistler, Canada tops the wish list for late 2023. Chris hopes to join everyone in Vancouver before they make their way to Whistler – it’s part of the family’s endeavour to meet up in cities of the world they’ve never been to before.


Client Story - Three Generations

Peter’s family grabs lunch together

For Peter and Julie, ‘living their best possible life’ means having the financial means to preserve the lifestyle they enjoy, travel included, for many years to come.

“Our investment portfolio means there’s a nest egg to support us for a long while,” says Peter.

If that’s the case, these two are just getting started….


Featuring Financial Adviser:

Steve Fort - Invest Blue

Steve Fort

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What you need to know:

This information is provided by Invest Blue Pty Ltd (ABN 91 100 874 744). The information contained in this article is of general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regards to those matters and seek personal financial, tax and/or legal advice prior to acting on this information. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you.

These clients have agreed to share their stories. Everyone’s situation is different, so their choices and outcomes will be different to yours. Consider your circumstances before deciding what’s right for you.