Fiercely independent and feeling safe | Invest Blue
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Fiercely independent and feeling safe

Angela White is the first to acknowledge her fierce independence, admitting she discovered early in life not to rely on others.

“I started my career with very little. At just 23 I’d come from a broken marriage and lost wealth, so during my 20’s I finished my HSC and embarked on a nursing degree.” Says Angela.

Less than ten years later, the single mother had purchased her first home and was enjoying a successful nursing career. Her priorities also focused on ensuring her two daughters were empowered and inspired to be self-reliant in achieving their own goals. Yet with independence comes vulnerability, particularly when finances are concerned. As such, Angela welcomed Invest Blue’s Steve Sewell into her tight circle over seven years ago to help secure her financial journey.

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“I am limited in my knowledge of markets and investments, so Steve has been instrumental in putting structures in place to set me up financially. It was a leap of faith for me – to put such responsibility in someone else’s hands, but I trust Steve wholeheartedly, and I don’t say that lightly.”

Her motivation for engaging Steve was two-fold — to develop a long term retirement plan and to enjoy a peace of mind regarding her finances.

“With so many uncertainties in life, I wanted to feel a sense of control over my finances. I wanted confidence in my financial future.” Says Angela. “I was acutely aware that building for retirement must start very early and I was keen to build income producing assets in preparation.”

Currently nursing in Brisbane at a large private hospital, Angela’s shifts allow her to return to her partner in Armidale every other week.

“I work eight days on, six days off, so it works really well. My partner has a cattle and poultry farm outside Armidale, so I can enjoy the best of both worlds – but despite our 18 years together we are totally independent of each other financially.”

Angela, 50, currently has two investment properties, managed funds and superannuation.

“Steve has put in place a structure so I can enjoy life while simultaneously building assets for retirement. He has taught me how to budget for here and now while also preparing for retirement. I’ve always been mindful in appreciating that money is not just a necessity to put food on the table and clothes on our backs, but also a means to lifestyle, not in an egotistic sense, but to facilitate really enjoying the life you live.”

Travel, hiking, photography and spending time with her daughters and new grandson, based in Darwin, are just some of the leisure she enjoys spending money on.

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A recent trip to Machu Picchu in Peru last year for her 50th birthday was a highlight – and financially seamless thanks to Steve’s meticulous planning.

“During our meetings, Steve and I put plans together for my travel, and for Peru, I followed his savings schedule to a tee. Steve’s guidance and plan made the trip so easy and it was lovely not to have to worry about how much I was spending while I was away.”

“I could not wait to get back and share my experience with Steve, it really was a team effort getting me there and I genuinely felt like we did it together,” Angela exclaims.

With Angela’s partner turning 60 in coming years, another trip abroad – perhaps Africa or Canada, is already in the pipelines, with plenty of trips to visit her family scheduled in the meantime.

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Her family also plays a significant factor in her financial plan. Another of her goals is for her two daughters to inherit a healthy financial legacy.

“I’ve seen people inherit money from their parents, and what a leg up it was – it represented an opportunity to potentially reduce their workloads to spend more time with family. I never had that opportunity, which is fine, but it’s very important to me that I can provide that to my family, and it comforts me knowing that my grandson will eventually benefit from my hard work now.”

And while Angela would like to work for as long as possible, the physical demands of nursing are taking their toll.

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“To optimise my superannuation I have to work until I’m 65, nursing is taxing on my back and my joints so ideally I’d like to preserve my body and move into another, less physical–path within the health industry.”

Despite the physical demands, she admits that watching her super grow is one thing that keeps her going, work-wise.

“I have always put more into my super than required thanks to salary sacrifice, and the merits make it so worthwhile. Not only are there tax incentives, but watching my nest egg grow is highly relevant for my future and, of course, really satisfying.”

Eventually, Angela and her partner would like to retire near the ocean but have no plans of slowing down.

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“The one thing I’d love my nest egg to support during my retirement is volunteer work, there is nothing like giving without expectation and I’d love to work with animals or indigenous communities.”

Currently, Angela humbly admits ‘if we carry on the way we are, what I can enjoy during my retirement exceeds anything I could have ever hoped for’.

“Despite the volatile financial environment, the growth figures Steve shows me suggests I’m going to be more than just ok – which is a huge relief. Steve has me on a credible path to protect my financial future – from income generating assets to TTD and TPD insurance cover he has all my bases covered –  I feel safe, and it feels good.”

Inspired by Angela’s story? Pursue your dream without the worry. Get in touch with us today to start your journey.

What you need to know

This information is provided by Invest Blue Pty Ltd (ABN 91 100 874 744). The information contained in this article is of general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regards to those matters and seek personal financial, tax and/or legal advice prior to acting on this information. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relations to products and services provided to you.

These clients have agreed to share their story. Everyone’s situation is different, so their choices and outcomes will be different from yours. Consider your circumstances before deciding what’s right for you.