Clare’s South American Adventure | Invest Blue
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Invest Blue client Clare’s remarkable South American adventure

Raised in an era when spending was due only to necessity, for 73-year-old Clare Yanez, old habits die hard.

“We grew up with our mother sewing our clothes, one pair of school shoes and one going-out-pair – if we were lucky – and we were grateful for everything that we had,” Clare reflects.

Consequently, Clare, a client of Invest Blue’s Adam Penman in Tamworth, has always been an avid saver.

“I was brought up to spend a little and save more, and it’s a mantra I’ve followed throughout my lifetime.”

The retired nurse admits she’s ‘rather frugal’ and even today refuses to draw as much out of her superannuation as she could.

“I use only what I need, and what I don’t use comes in handy for trips, or a new car or painting the house – it’s nice to have the security.”

And it seems this lifetime of conservative spending is now paying dividends, with the intrepid traveller recently embarking on a remarkable trip to South America.

Spending a month in Chile with a friend, the duo was part of an education cruise, where expedition leaders conducted daily tours, followed by tutorials and group discussion.

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“It was a truly exciting trip, I saw so much and learnt so much – but it was certainly not a party cruise, I’m past all that,” she laughed.

Native wildlife, glacier expeditions, and a full immersion into the local culture were highlights of this unique trip.

And having lived in Mexico for over 30 years, and fluent in Spanish, the remote destination and lifestyle were never a concern.

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“When the opportunity arose, I spoke to Adam and he said go for it! I researched my trip, visited the travel agent and planned my agenda, and never once was cost a factor.”

“Adam is a lovely man, previously his father, Phil was my adviser, so it’s great to know I’m relying on someone I have the utmost trust and confidence in.”

In fact, Adam laughs that the most challenging part of his role is encouraging Clare to enjoy and spend her money.

“She still comes home with leftover change from the budget!”

Clare does admit that an unexpected offer to join a friend’s brother on his yacht for nine nights during the trip was a fortunate turn of events, and smiles that it’s a handy way to skew the budget.

“South America, in general, is not expensive though, and while we never went without, I still don’t spend just because I have it.”

Adam admits the empowerment Invest Blue has been able to give Clare, knowing that even factoring in her travel bug, she can still meet her usual lifestyle needs when she is home, is truly rewarding.

And with another trip planned for April – this time to Oman then an overland European trip departing from Romania, Invest Blue has also been instrumental in organising funding for the holiday.

Having never been in debt, Clare is alarmed by the consumption of today’s society generates.

“It worries me, these enormous debts and mortgages.”

“I started from the bottom and worked my way up – a humble home, upgraded as we could afford it and had a bit more behind us.”

“Today, everyone starts so big – I cringe when I think of all those working years it would take to get out of a bind if anything went wrong.”

“I may have a frugal lifestyle, but I’ve never felt I’ve gone without, and everything I have, I own.”

We see all money types in our work at Invest Blue, those who have a strong preference to build slowly and take a cautious approach like Clare, and those who are eager to push the boundaries and are more comfortable with risk. What matters most to us is that you have a good understanding of who you are and what you truly want from your life and money. It is terribly exciting for us to see Clare in the position to feel comfortable and live a life of adventure, in our terms, she is a great example of a client living their best possible life! One of our core values is to ‘celebrate the wins’, so it is part of our DNA to be elated for Clare. So what are your big dreams?

If you would like to get a better understanding of what’s most important to you, download our Paint Your Future guide.

To work with one of our financial planners to start mapping your journey to your best possible life, please get in touch.


What you need to know

This information is provided by Invest Blue Pty Ltd (ABN 91 100 874 744). The information contained in this article is of general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regards to those matters and seek personal financial, tax and/or legal advice prior to acting on this information. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relations to products and services provided to you.


These clients have agreed to share their story. Everyone’s situation is different, so their choices and outcomes will be different to yours. Consider your circumstances before deciding what’s right for you.