Small changes to achieve an ideal retirement | Invest Blue
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Seemingly small tweaks to achieve her ideal retirement

As a divorcee approaching retirement, and having worked a lifetime under antiquated superannuation conditions, for many years Toowoomba’s Patricia Kays endured the sinking feeling that she was coming from behind financially.

However, all that changed upon her collaboration with Invest Blue financial planner, Craig Uys, who has proven instrumental in her newfound financial confidence.

“I look at all the young women at work and they are so fortunate to be contributing to their super so early in their careers,” Patricia reflects.

Patricia Kays Enjoying Night Out - Invest Blue

patricia kays enjoying a night out with a cocktail or two

“My husband had compulsory super but I didn’t have any superannuation until quite late in life – as was the policy of the time.”

As a result, Patricia, a clinical specialist at St Andrews Hospital in Toowoomba, admits she has always felt she needed a way to ‘catch up’ financially.

And having enlisted the services of Craig a number of years ago, catching up is quite the understatement.

“The first thing we did was sit down and discuss my retirement goals, and refinance appropriately.”

visiting wembley stadium

Patricia visiting Wembley stadium.

“I was a single woman with a loan, stuck in a rut with insurance and all it took was some re-jigging by Craig and the impact has been enormous.”

“He updated my super, refinanced, and reassessed my budget – seemingly small tweaks that have made a world of difference.”

A debt over an investment property was refinanced, with her rental property intended to provide extra financial security during her retirement.

“I’m in my late 50’s and have always been nervous about my financial health during retirement, but as it looms closer I now have so much more confidence thanks to Invest Blue.”

While Patricia always enforced strict budgeting habits, Craig updated her financial priorities so that now, while still saving, she doesn’t feel like she’s going without.

“My new budget is more reflective of what’s important, I can still have a holiday without the financial guilt which is a wonderful feeling.”

As they say, ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’, and Patricia believes this mantra is more relevant than ever when it comes to her finances.

“For me, planning my finances is quite overwhelming, but Craig knows exactly what needs to be done and I have full confidence in his decision making,” Patricia asserts.

“Often I feel pressure from banks and institutions, but Craig is the exact opposite – relaxed and easy going. To have someone I’m so comfortable with sit down and explain things to me in layman’s terms is so helpful, and should never be underestimated.”

“It’s scary getting older, but it’s wonderful to know that my retirement goals are being covered.”

While Patricia will need to keep working for a few more years yet, she’s astonished by how much her financial position has improved since meeting with Craig.

“My mother was a pensioner, and her retirement years were very tight.”

Patricia Kays Cheers-Invest Blue

“I feel grateful that can look forward to a retirement that will afford holidays or a meal out if I wish, and I no longer feel left behind – in fact I think I may even be doing better than some of my married friends!” She laughs.


The process of reviewing your goals and planning how you will realise your dreams is extremely rewarding. Working with an adviser will help you to understand what’s most important to you and how you can live your best possible life. Start your journey today!


What you need to know

This information is provided by Invest Blue Pty Ltd (ABN 91 100 874 744). The information contained in this article is of general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regards to those matters and seek personal financial, tax and/or legal advice prior to acting on this information. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relations to products and services provided to you.

These clients have agreed to share their story. Everyone’s situation is different, so their choices and outcomes will be different to yours. Consider your circumstances before deciding what’s right for you.