Planning for your retirement | Invest Blue
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we believe it’s possible
Invest Blue is passionate about helping people reach their goals and dreams by providing quality, tailored financial advice.

I’m starting to think about retirement

You are already enjoying retirement or it is on the horizon. You have worked hard and now it’s time to relax and enjoy it. You may be planning on downsizing, spending more time with the grandchildren, volunteering, hitting the road in your caravan or jetsetting overseas to see all those places you have dreamed of.

No doubt you want to enjoy life now, look forward to those well deserved plans and make the retirement dollars stretch further.

That’s why planning for retirement and planning in retirement is so important. You want the comfort of knowing that your future is under control and that you can do all those things you’ve dreamed of for all those years.

Things To Consider

Whether you are already retired or planning on retiring in the next five years, there are some things to consider:

  • How much can I spend in retirement so that my money lasts?
  • Any outstanding loans that need to be paid out?
  • Any shares or investment properties? Should these be retained or sold?
  • Do I want to move or have a sea change?
  • Do I plan to downsize my home?
  • What types of holidays am I planning (caravanning in Australia, five-star cruising, jet setting around the world)?
  • Are my income and assets structured to maximise Centrelink benefits?
  • What is the Pension Bonus Scheme and what are the eligibility requirements?
  • Apart from Centrelink benefits, will I be/am I eligible for anything else in retirement?
  • Are my will and estate planning arrangements up to date?

How Advice Can Help You

Financial planning in your 60s can give you the comfort of knowing that your money will last and that you can do all those things you’ve dreamed of for all those years.

We can help you:

  • identify your goals – what are you going to do for the next 30 years?
  • identify how much you can spend in retirement.
  • develop a budget to manage your cashflow.
  • put the right superannuation and investment strategies in place.
  • put in plans to make your money last.
  • structure your income and assets to maximise Centrelink benefits.
  • put plans in place for succession of your business.
  • review your Will and estate planning.
  • maintain your lifestyle now and in the future.